What is a Liloing? I do this activity with a great group of people from the excellent club SPAN in Sydney. Well it is simply following a river floating on a lilo. Yes one of those blow up things.. What ever you meet you have to over come. Rapids rocks tree ... Well it is simply following a river floating on a lilo. Yes one of those blow up things.. What ever you meet you have to over come. Rapids rocks tree ...
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
Liloing in NSW Australia. |
What does Liloing Involve? NO Skill No Skill No expensive gear and NO BRAINS. What makes a good canyon trip is good people and at least 4 litres of red wine for the nights camp on the river.