After Leaving Katmadu Nepal I crossed to Himalays on a 6 day journey to Lhasa Tibet. Had anunforgetable month in and around Lhasa. |
Me at Pray Flags on a high pass on the Lhasa road. |
Pray Flags on a high pass on the Lhasa road. |
Me at Pray Flags on a high pass on the Lhasa road. |
Pray Flags on a high pass on the Lhasa road. |
Local Transport in Tibet. |
Local Meat Market. |
Horse Men on the Tibetean Plateau. |
Yaks on the Tibetean Plateau. |
Me on the Roof of the Sigase Monastry. |
Sigase Monastry. |
Sigase Monastry. |
Sigase Monastry. |
Buda painting in Sigase Monastry. |
Ghase street scene. |
Tibetean Monastry. |
Worshipers at a Tibetean Monastry. |
The Tibet Plateau. |
The Tibet Plateau. |
Me on the Tibet Plateau. |
Kids on the bus - Tibet Plateau. |
Prayer Flags on the Tibet Plateau. |
Temple Roof in Tibet. |
Gateway to Lhasa. |
Monks on the Lhasa Foothills. |
Tibetean Rock Art on the Road to Lhasa. |
The Potela Place. |
Lhasa Street Scene. |
Lhasa Street Scene. |
Great way to boil the kettle. Use the Sun. Can you get Sky ?. |
Monks feeding dogs in Lhasa Streets. |
People praying in Lhasa. |
Lhasa Street Scene. |
Shit Happens... and you think you got a shit job. |
Great way to boil the kettle. Use the Sun. Can you get Sky ?. |
View of Lhasa from the Potela Place. |
Another view of Lhasa from the Potela Place. |
Final View of the Potela Place. |
Leaving Lhasa. |
Leaving Lhasa. |
After having a briilant time on the roof of the world in Tibet. I head due north on the second bus jorney from hell. 45 hours of very hot days and freezing nights, with a bus full of chain smoking chinese Spent a few weeks in China.... |